7 lessons I’ve learned about starting a career in machine learning.

About taking action, your approach, communities, and shortcuts.

Santiago Valdarrama
4 min readJun 10, 2021

Right about when the pandemic started, I started helping others divert themselves into machine learning. It was mostly software engineers looking to learn new skills and people migrating from less lucrative careers.

I’ve learned a few things in the process.

These are 7 lessons that I’d like you to keep in mind.

1. Most people love the idea of starting something new. Only a few take the first step.

Getting ready is way more fun than making progress. It’s also relatively useless.

People decide to go to the gym. They buy supplements, shorts, shoes, and a new headband. But they never actually start; there’s always something else they need.

Starting with machine learning is no different. It becomes a race to collect books, tutorials, and the latest and hottest video playlist.

Preparing for something new is fun and exciting. It can also turn into glorified procrastination.

You can’t possibly know what you need before getting started. Take what’s right in front of you and…



Santiago Valdarrama

I build machine learning systems until 5 pm. Then I come here and tell you stories about them.